Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads

Woo Hoo People! Just got back from a long, long, seemingly pointless car ride. Brooklyn to Binghamton and then back to Brooklyn. Basically, 8 hours in the car can really wear on you. The roads are ugly and boring. But it’s good that I don’t have to drive, pay for gas, tolls, etc. Actually, I’ve got it pretty easy, I get to sleep or play with a chew toy.
We went to “The Parlor City” to pick up L’s sister S's odds n’ ends for HER move to Brooklyn, I guess more people to play with and buy me and feed me treats is always a good thing.
D bought me some replacement food. He’s got me on this ‘stuff’ Royal Canin Bulldog-24 . And though I appreciate the sentiment of eating high quality dog food, that pretty much has all the good stuff I need, I loath eating this junk. I mean can’t this MoFo hook me up with the real deal? Salmon and rice is all I ask. That and those great peanut butter treats that you used to get for me from the Farmer’s Market in Troy, NY and gimme a belly rub while you’re at it, beotch!
A few administrative things... I'm likely going to keep a posting schedule to a Monday thru Friday-type thing. With some exceptions, you'll still be likely to hear from me, close to five days a week. And I'm going to try it out for now, on Fridays, I'll post a photo of something. It could be me, a potted plant, a trash heap, who knows? It's just all about potluck!. As my mom, L would say: "Have a super fun weekend!"
Woof! Woof! Sammy :3-‹
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