Happy Presidents' Day

Happy Presidents' Day everyone!
I had a good weekend, did you? I love 3-day weekends. Well, I'm pretty much on a Permanent Vacation. L, D & I all headed up to Woodbury Commons for some outlet shopping. Man, let me tell you, I was MF POPULAR up there. People from all walks of life were into me like the paparazzi over some Hollywood celeb! I love the attention!
On Friday night, we went to this great bar, Moonshine. We hung out, spent some coins on the Jukebox (Classics like Kiss, Cheap Trick, The Boss, etc.) Nick, the owner invited us to the 3rd Sunday Annual Bulldog get-together, which they sponsor at the bar. So we did that after the outlets.
That's pretty much the review of the weekend. Hopefully I'll have some more tomorrow.
Woof! Woof! Sammy :3-‹